Arab World Bible College

Reaching the Arab World through Spirit-empowered education and training.

473 Million People seeking the life changing power of Jesus Christ

The Arab World has been closed to the Gospel for over 1,000 years. But God is moving in the Arab world—in a greater way than ever. The Arab World Bible College is reaching across 16 nations in the Middle East. Its primary goal is to deliver Bible training in the Arabic Language. 

Global University meets the need.

Through GU’s School for Evangelism and Discipleship, the Arab World Bible College is winning people for Jesus. As they study, they will grow in their journey of discipleship and become effective witnesses for Jesus. Berean courses provide leadership training that new pastors need to plant, lead, and grow local communities of faith. The undergraduate provides further training for pastors and church leaders. This training equips them to influence other leaders and accelerate the advancement of God’s Kingdom. Graduate students gain advanced training to support the indigenous process of preparing church leaders and teachers to multiply the equipping of people.