Three-Year Bachelor of Arts Degrees

Three-Year Bachelor of Arts Degrees

The typical North American high school curriculum prepares college-bound students for a four-year bachelor's degree program. However, many international school systems prepare qualified high school students for the three-year bachelor's degree program. For this reason, Global University offers 3 three-year bachelor of arts programs through national offices: Bible and Theology, Christian Education, and Intercultural Studies. The student should contact his or her national office to find out if the three-year program is offered in his or her country.

Solicitar admisión

Apply for admission in one of Global University’s Three-Year Bachelor of Arts Programs. Prepare for your future in Christian Education, Bible & Theology, or Intercultural Studies. 

Two male students talking

Costo Académico y Cuotas

Vea nuestra matrícula y tarifas para el próximo año académico. La matrícula por crédito no incluye el costo de los materiales requeridos del curso y otras tarifas