India College of Ministry

Reaching India through Spirit-empowered education and training.

1.4 Billion People seeking the life transforming power of Jesus Christ

India is now the most populous nation in the world. 1.1 billion (79.8%) people in India are Hindus. Another 198 million (14.2%) are Muslims. Only 3.2 million are Christian. There are more than 2,300 unreached peoples’ groups. More than just numbers, these are people who live trapped in spiritual darkness without a Savior.

God has chosen this moment, and the time has come.

Assemblies of God India has partnered with Global University to create India College of Ministry. The India College of Ministry trains believers in nine languages to minister effectively to their communities. Students study the Christian Life and Christian Service series. These courses help students to understand how to study the Bible, the purpose of community together, and core Christian beliefs. This project has grown exponentially to over 63,000 students.

Through their studies students must demonstrate what they have learned by engaging in ministry to people before they begin their second year. Students are launching into ministry and discipleship before they even graduate!