The Importance of Church Planting & The Assemblies of God

Did you know that the apostle Paul is considered one of the greatest church planters? In today’s blog, we at Global University will introduce you to the importance of church planting and why it is so prevalent within the Assemblies of God community. 

What is Church Planting?

Church planting is the act of beginning a new Christian church in an area that currently does not have one established. There was a major emergence of local churches after Jesus’ Great Commission. 

Assemblies of God & Church Planting

The mission of the Assemblies of God is four-fold:

  1. Evangelize the lost.
  2. Worship God.
  3. Disciple believers.
  4. Show compassion.

The core values of the Assemblies of God support this mission:

  1. Passionately proclaim, at home and abroad, by word and deed Jesus as Savior, Baptizer in the Holy Spirit, Healer, and Soon Coming King.
  2. Strategically invest in the next generation.
  3. Vigorously plant new churches and revitalize existing ones.
  4. Skillfully resource our Fellowship.
  5. Fervently pray for God’s favor and help as we serve Him with pure hearts and noble purpose. 

The AG community fervently believes in church planting. We believe that if you are pursuing the path of evangelism in all that you do, you are doing God’s work. 

The Apostle Paul Was a Church Planter

Paul was the disciple called to carry the Christian Church all the way into Macedonia. 

Paul’s conversion to Christianity was miraculous. In the book of Acts, Paul was journeying from Jerusalem to Syrian Damascus when he encountered a divine voice that questioned why he persecuted Jesus. Paul was blinded for three days until he was healed by Ananias of Damascus. After this healing, Paul devoted his life to Christ and was baptized. 

Immediately after, he began planting the first Christian churches and spreading the word of God through his teaching letters. Paul’s letters survived and later became multiple books within the New Testament. 

Global University & Church Planting

Global University believes in spreading the message by training individuals to enter ministry, live the word of God, and serve globally. If you are feeling called to enter the field of ministry and aren’t sure where to start, please contact one of our enrollment specialists. We’d be happy to talk with you about starting your future in ministry. Contact us or call toll-free at 1-800-443-1083 for more information.