Buddhist Hindu Priority

Burma Bible College

India College of Ministry

Vietnam Bible College

International Chinese Bible College


Global University Cuba

Kingdom Builders

Prison Ministries

Spanish Advanced Degrees

European School of Ministry

Arab World Bible College

Iran Bible College

Upper Room Institute

Armenia Bible College

Central Asia Theological Institute

There are over 520 million Buddhist and 1.2 billion Hindu’s who have yet to hear the life changing message of Jesus Christ.

Myanmar’s central location in Southeast Asia creates opportunities for ministry. It shares borders with several countries, including Bangladesh, India, China, Laos, and Thailand.

Across India, there are people from more than 2,300 unreached peoples’ groups who live trapped in spiritual darkness without a Savior.

Vietnam is home to 98.1 million people. Less than 1% of the population are Christians. The Vietnam Bible College training network offers online and print courses. Our students serve Vietnamese speakers around the world.

International Chinese Bible College, a School of Global University is a project launched in collaboration with Assemblies of God World Missions. 

Equipping students in developing nations, Global University’s partnership with Logos provides essential resources, bridging knowledge gaps and equipping future pastors to lead, teach and transform their countries.

God is moving in Cuba! But pastors and lay leaders struggle to afford Bible training. In 2009, Global University partnered with Cuban AG leaders to provide accredited degree programs at a cost that pastors could afford.

Kingdom Builders provide scholarships for international students pursuing ministerial training. Thousands of students from across the world have benefited from these scholarships.

Prisoners around the United States are studying our evangelism and discipleship courses. Through Global University’s Prison Ministry, prisoners around the United States have become believers and disciples as they grow in their walk with God. Course materials are sent through the mail.

Responding to a need presented by Hispanic leaders from across the Spanish-Speaking world, Global University is finishing translating the final four Master of Arts in Ministerial Studies courses into Spanish.

Europe is a growing mission field as the continent becomes Post-Christian. The European School of Ministry is designed to reach and train immigrant and refugee populations from around the continent and the world.

The Arab World has been closed to the Gospel for over 1,000 years. But God is moving in the Arab world—in a greater way than ever. The Arab World Bible College is reaching across 16 nations in the Middle East.

We have been working feverishly to translate our Christian Service series into Farsi and are happy to announce that we have completed online development for all 18 courses.

The Middle East is a dangerous place to share the gospel. Every year, Christians face unemployment, abandonment by their families, criminal charges, beatings, and even death. To preach the gospel is a great sacrifice.

Armenia is one of the oldest nations in the world, dating back 3,000 years. It was even the first nation to adopt Christianity as its state religion. However, during the 20th century, Armenia was at the epicenter of the World Wars and the Soviet Union.

The Central Asia Theological Institute reaches Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan.

Transforming lives through a global network of Spirit-empowered education and training.

Over 200 Countries

Global University is taking the Gospel message around the world to transform lives!

“Look at the fields. They are ripe for harvest!” This compelling mandate from John 4:35 is our call to action. We are motivated to take the gospel message around the world. To accomplish this task, we need your help.

Over 3,750,000 Lives Transformed

Global University is equipping students with the training they need for Christian life and ministry. 

Through the School of Evangelism and Discipleship, Global University provides materials to new Christians and those seeking to learn about the Christian life.  

Berean School of the Bible offers training to future Pastors. 

The Undergraduate and Graduate schools take their education to the next level by providing access to accredited degrees. 

Each student is encouraged to be part of active ministry in their local context. Many students plant churches before they even graduate.

Learn how you can be part of Global University’s Missions projects around the World. From India College of Ministry to Prison Ministry Global University is transforming Lives through Spirit-empowered education and training.