Consumer Information Disclosure

General Information:

Name of Institution: Global University
Address: 1211 S. Glenstone Ave, Springfield, MO 65804 USA

Year Founded:

  • As ICI 1967
  • As Berean 1948
  • The two combined as Global University 2000

First Accredited: 1977 by DEAC (formerly DETC); 2010 by HLC

President: Dr. Gary L. Seevers Jr.

Participation in Funding Programs: G.I. Bill, DANTES


Accreditation Agency Contact Information:

(1) The Higher Learning Commission (HLC)

230 South LaSalle Street,
Suite 7-500,
Chicago, Illinois 60604;
Telephone: 800-621-7440; Skype to call number Free
Fax: 312-263-7462;
Next scheduled review: 2024 – 2025

(2) Association for Biblical Higher Education Commission on Accreditation

Global University holds applicant status with the Association for Biblical Higher Education Commission on Accreditation (5850 T. G. Lee Blvd., Ste. 130, Orlando, FL 32822, 407-207-0808). Applicant status is a pre-membership status granted to those institutions that meet the ABHE Conditions of Eligibility and that possess such qualities as may provide a basis for achieving candidate status within five years.

(3) State Approval and Email Contact Information:

Global University is incorporated in the State of Missouri and is authorized to operate as an independent, exempt university by the Missouri Coordinating Board for Higher Education. See Website:

Missouri Coordinating Board for Higher Education
MDHE Information Center
Phone: (800) 473-6757

(4) Approved Assemblies of God School:

Global University has the endorsement of the Association for Assemblies of God Higher Education. See their website:

Mission & Description:

Institution Mission Statement:

Global University is a Christian university in the Pentecostal tradition that:

  • integrates education and service through a worldwide network for student support.
  • provides access to ministerial training from adult continuing education to the graduate level.
  • produces curricular materials in multiple languages.
  • serves the local church and Christian community through evangelism, discipleship, and leadership training through nonresidential distributed learning methods.

Institutional Objectives:

  • To provide general and theological education and training from a biblical worldview.
  • To provide educational programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels leading to various diplomas and degrees.
  • To provide non-degree service programs, including evangelism, discipleship, and leadership training.
  • To work cooperatively with schools, churches, district councils, education offices, state and federal educational agencies, the sponsoring church, and fraternal denominations and fellowships, to fulfill common purposes.
  • To develop and provide educational curricula and technologies culturally sensitive in a cross-cultural context in cooperation with the Assemblies of God World Missions and autonomous national churches.
  • To develop and provide educational curricula and technologies culturally sensitive in a cross-cultural context in cooperation with the General Council of the Assemblies of God in the United States.
  • To research, adapt, and utilize appropriate methods of educational delivery employing available technologies.
  • To serve as a specialized educational delivery resource for other educational institutions.
  • To cooperate in the educational delivery efforts of the General Council of the Assemblies of God schools to increase efficiency, avoid duplication, and better utilize resources.

Areas of Special Focus:

Training pastors, church leaders, and workers to better fulfill their calling for service in and through local churches.

Description of Institution:

Global University has a combined history of more than 80 years of service, yet is on the cutting edge of technology with online courses. However, print courses remain a mainstay for those who prefer to study in print or do not have internet access. The goal is to make evangelism, discipleship, and training accessible to everyone—everywhere!

Student Demographic Profile: 2023 Graduation Statistics

Undergraduate (39 countries):
– 233 graduates
– 69% male
– 31% female
– Average Age: 42 years at Graduation
 Graduate (11 countries):
– 57 graduates
– 75% male
– 25% female
– Average Age: 49 years at Graduation

Global University does not participate in federal financial aid Title IV programs. Global University also does not require students to declare their racial or ethnic identities and is not mandated to do so by government or accrediting agencies.


Berean: View Program Details
Undergraduate: View Program Details
Graduate: View Program Details

Average Program Tuition/Cost per credit hour:

Berean: Costs
Undergraduate: Costs
Graduate: Costs

Success Indicators:

Global University provides degree and non-degree programs that prepare students for a variety of ministry positions. Global University does not place students in ministry positions nor does it grant ministerial credentials.

Graduation Rates

Graduate Programs (Matriculated Students in 2018 and 2019)

Overall Completion Rate: 92%
MA Ministerial Studies: 92%
MA Biblical Studies: 82%
MDiv Master of Divinity: 91%

Undergraduate Programs (Matriculated Students in 2017 and 2018)

Overall Program Completion Rate: 87%
BA Bible and Theology: 80%
BA Christian Education: 60%
BA Intercultural Studies: 75%

Involvement in Ministry of Global University Graduates

Undergraduate Level

At graduation: 87% (2023)
5 Years After Graduation (2019 Graduates) – 74%

Satisfaction with Global University Degrees

Undergraduate 5 Years After Completed Degree (2019 Graduates)

Achieved Goals: 90%
Would Recommend the Institution to a Friend: 96%
Satisfaction with Program (Superior/Adequate): 98%

Preparation for Ministry:
Very Well Prepared 36%
Well Prepared 44%
Total = 80%

Course Completion Rates (2022)

Graduate Level: 72%
Undergraduate: 85%
Berean: 80%

Percentage of students surveyed in 2023 who responded that they:

Undergraduate: (2019 – 2024) N = 1320

Achieved personal goals: 91%
Would recommend the institution to a friend: 90%
Were satisfied with their studies: 99%

Graduate: (2020 – 2024) N = 271

Value of course for ministry: 84% very valuable
Would recommend the course to a friend: 98%
Received skills for ministry: 83% very much


Global University is an open-admission, affordable, start anytime distance learning institution. Our form of distance learning requires a self-directive attitude and self-discipline. 


Undergraduate School of Bible and Theology

At the undergraduate level, Global University defines retention as any course enrollment activity in the second year after completion of GUO1011 Essentials of Learning at Global University.






New Students










Retention %





Note: data represent US part-time degree-seeking students (majority are part-time).


Graduate School of Theology

At the graduate level, retention is defined as a new student enrolling in at least one course in the subsequent year.






New Students










Retention %





Note: data represent all full-time and part-time graduate students, US and International

Articulation Agreements

Name of Institution/Entity: Facultad de Teología de las Asambleas de Dios

Location of Institution: Springfield, MO USA

Reciprocal Agreement: Each institution accepts credits from the other institution into a master’s degree program according to each institution’s prevailing credit transfer policies in effect at the time of the transfer.

A full list of school with articulation agreements can be found by clicking here.