How to Become a Missionary

As a result of the evangelism efforts made by countless global Christian ministries, numerous people worldwide have been able to hear the good news and give their lives to Christ. 

If you’re interested in being a part of this amazing work, becoming a missionary is one of the best paths to take. In today’s post, we’ll give you some tips on how to become a full-time missionary. 

Global University Can Prepare You for Missions Work

As an affiliate of Assemblies of God, we help students adequately prepare for missionary work or ministry in the AoG church and beyond. 

The preparation that goes into becoming a missionary is long and intensive. You are, after all, preparing for a life in an unfamiliar world, which can mean adapting to a foreign culture and language. 

Preparing for full-time missionary work is something that you must go all-in on. Yes, you should seek professional, formal training and credentialing, but comprehensive preparation also involves a personal journey of spiritual development. 

1.) First, Pray on It 

Ask God for guidance on whether you should pursue a career in missionary work. Pray through God’s Word and ask others to pray with you on the matter. Through frequent prayer and petition, you’ll know whether becoming a missionary is the right choice.

2.) Think About the Requirements and How to Meet Them

There are plenty of factors to consider when preparing for missionary work, including the specific requirements listed by each organization. 

The Assemblies of God Church requires you to be an ordained minister and have at least 2 years of experience as a senior pastor of a church before becoming a career missionary. 

3.) Stay Realistic and Engage in Self-Inquiry

Becoming a missionary in a foreign country is often romanticized. That’s why it’s important to engage in self-reflection. 

Prioritize the “why” behind your intentions for becoming a missionary. Clarity comes from communicating with God about your purpose and calling. 

Related Post: The Ultimate Guide To Becoming An Ordained Assemblies Of God Minister

4.) Investigate Different Options 

There are plenty of opportunities to serve in a variety of countries all over the world. Take a look at various organizations that present opportunities to do missionary service and see what their requirements are. These requirements can vary greatly.  

5.) Choose a Missionary Organization 

Find the right fit for you, then commit to meeting that organization’s requirements and standards. Many organizations hold some universal requirements, the most pertinent being that you must have no debt, be it a mortgage, credit cards, personal loans or student loans. 

6.) Complete that Organization’s Application Process

Each organization can have a slightly different set of requirements for application. Many organizations, the Assemblies of God being one of them, require you to do a series of interviews, as well as minor, informal tests or checkpoints during the application process.

7.) Get Experience with Short-Term Missions Trips

Experience plays a huge role in preparing for your future career as a full-time vocational missionary. Go on short-term missionary trips and gather some first-hand experience alongside seasoned vocational missionaries. 

8.) Start Learning Another Language

If you’re serving as a foreign missionary, you’ll likely encounter a language barrier. It’s important to prepare for that by taking courses, classes, or training to better learn a foreign language. 

9.) Develop Christlike Habits 

Alongside formal training, credentialing and education, it’s also important to develop yourself spiritually. Displaying Christ like attributes and habits such as humility, interdependence, flexibility, and leadership are necessary for your future role as a missionary. 

10.) Learn from Experienced Missionaries 

Get second-hand knowledge, tips, and advice from vocational missionaries. Talk to them about their experiences in the field to get a better understanding of your future vocation. Being able to share and collaborate with others is a great way to start preparing for your future role. 

11.) Connect with Role Models and Church Leaders

Talk to your church and your prayer community. Let them know your intentions, and ask for input, advice and supportive prayer. Having others pray with you on your journey into the missions field is indispensable.

Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20).

12.) Learn and Develop a Skill 

Jesus was a carpenter. Paul was a tentmaker. Having the skill to serve the communities you are ministering to is a critical part of becoming a missionary. Find something you’re passionate about and truly interested in pursuing. 

Your skill or profession could be a wide variety of things, such as the following: 

  • Doctor 
  • Lawyer 
  • Coder 
  • Videographer 
  • Translator 

13.) Earn an Accredited College Degree 

Many missionary programs require that you have a college degree. That is certainly the case for the Assemblies of God

However, most four-year degree programs can mean being saddled with student loan debt — a factor that prevents you from serving in missions. 

This is what makes Global University a compelling choice for higher education. We don’t take federal money. Rather, we offer excellent funding opportunities and sponsorship programs that help pay for your education. Our students often graduate with little to no debt.

Related Post: Navigating Different Bible Versions: A Guide For Christian Education

14.) Why Choose a Degree or Certificate from Global? 

If you wish to receive formal training and prepare yourself to thrive as a vocational missionary, Global University is an excellent first step on your path.

We also offer the Christian Missions Certificate awarded to undergraduates who complete 15 credit hours of elective course material.

Let Global University Prepare You for God’s Calling

Our web-based, distance-learning education programs give you the tools necessary to excel after graduation. Find amazing resources that will prepare you to fulfill God’s calling for your life. For additional information on admissions and coursework, contact us today.