Why Is Greece so Important to the New Testament? Global U Explains

Ever wonder what language the Bible was written in? Or who actually wrote the Bible? In today’s blog from Global University, we will discuss why Greece and the Greek language are so important to the New Testament we all read today.

Greek Was the Modern Language 

Greek was the leading written and spoken language of the Eastern Mediterranean world. The New Testament was given to the world in Greek to appeal to a broader Gentile audience, instead of only a Jewish audience. At that time, Greek was the main language used for business, social communication, and trading between cultures.

Why Is This Important to Us?

The Apostle Paul wrote 13 of the books in the New Testament as a series of teaching letters to leaders of the churches he helped plant in his traveling ministry. Paul’s conversion to Christianity was miraculous. His vision of a man in Macedonia spurred his discipleship journey to Macedonia and then resulted in Christianity’s growth into Europe via Greece.

Through Global University, We Retrace Paul’s Steps 

In the next four months, we’ll be retracing Paul’s steps to Macedonia. In our study trip, Macedonian Christianity and Paul: The Man, His Mission and Message, we’ll experience the writings of Paul come to life! This trip through Northern Greece will feature world-class teachings, local church service engagement, and direct contact with Paul’s influence over the local community. 

We will be embarking on this incredible journey on September 9, 2021, and finishing on September 19, 2021. 

Locations we’ll travel to include:

  • Kavala (formerly Neapolis)
  • Thessaloniki
  • The ruins at Philippi and Veria (formerly Berea)

This trip is open for enrollment for those who meet the following criteria:

  • Current US Passport Holder
  • Current GU graduate student or eligible for graduate school admission

The current price per person is at $3,300 U.S dollars. This will include: 

  • Course tuition
  • Site admission fees
  • Round trip flights from Chicago to Thessaloniki hotels
  • Ground transportation
  • Two meals per day

At Global University, our goal is to provide a opportunity to those who are interested in entering the path of ministry and seek an educational background that equips them to do so. Courses in ministry, evangelism, and intercultural studies and study abroad trips are just a few of the resources we use to equip and prepare our students to pursue their callings. 

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We’d be happy to help equip you with the necessary tools to walk the pathway of ministry many have walked before you. Contact us or call toll-free at 1-800-443-1083 para más información.