Global University has been the correspondence learning arm of the Assemblies of God since 2000. We offer web-based courses through correspondence learning to all parts of the globe, and we work in three main languages: English, Spanish, and French. Today’s blog from Global University explains the differences between correspondence learning and distance learning in terms of the education you receive from us.
Freedom of Correspondence Learning
You can learn at your own pace with correspondence learning. Many courses have no strict deadlines for individual assignments in each course. The time limit for completing an undergraduate course is six months from the date we process the order for your course. Courses may not be extended beyond one year past the original enrollment date.
More Structure with Distance Learning
Distance learning provides more structure than correspondence learning. You would have regular contact with your instructors and professors. You’d also talk to your classmates in a digital chat room to discuss course concepts. Professors and instructors regularly chat with students to go over the concepts covered in the course materials.
With correspondence learning, you’ll be independently able to study the materials. If you want, you can find a study group at a local church with other people taking Global University courses to help you stay on task. Facilitators will help your group session remain on task.
Course Materials
Distance learning courses at Global University work one of two ways: you can use a computer to take web-based courses, or we can send you physical materials through the mail. It’s much faster to do things electronically, although you don’t need to have a computer to earn your degree from Global University. Exams and assignments will be completed the same way. If you choose paper exams, you’ll need to send your exam back to Global University to be graded. Otherwise, you can take your exams on the computer.
Distance learning is moving towards strictly digital formats. If you don’t have the proper technology or internet connection, you might not have access to your course materials. Luckily, you can choose the method that works for you: traditional books or digital learning with Global University. Yes, you might be reading this blog on a computer. But if you don’t have regular access to a computer, you can learn at your own pace using more traditional instructional methods.
Correspondence Learning from Global University
Do you have more questions about correspondence learning at Global University? Reach out to Global University today, and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.