Why is Service Learning Important? Global University Explains

Learning doesn’t just begin and end at reading stacks of textbooks, listening to lectures, or taking exams; it’s about bridging the gap between theory and real-world problem-solving activities. Service-learning helps students do just that.


At Global University, service-learning hours are a required part of the curriculum and are important for broadening and improving students’ educational experience. In today’s post, we will cover some of the reasons why service-learning is important.


Types of Service Learning Available

Service learning is an educational approach where students simultaneously learn in the classroom and apply their knowledge through volunteer service. There are many types of service service-learning options available for students to choose from.


Direct service involves handing out food, helping refugees, preaching, tutoring, educating, or providing hands-on care for vulnerable persons.

Indirect service can take the form of behind-the-scenes work that isn’t on a person-to-person basis, or administrative duties, like collecting donations, building homes, planting trees, managing social media accounts, or fundraising activities.


What Does Service Learning at Global University Entail?

The service learning requirement (SLR) is broken down into three major components:

  1. Reflection — reflect on how this service ties into your ministry objectives.
  2. Evaluation — analyze and order information into useful patterns or structures.
  3. Valuation — apply your knowledge or skills in your own unique way.


Students are asked to describe a realistic goal and intention for their service opportunity and how it relates to their ministry goals. Then, students list their methods, or what they’ll be doing (for example, preaching, teaching, counseling, social media management). Finally, they report and comment on the results of their work.


Benefits of Service Learning

Service learning helps to promote civic engagement and builds a sense of community with those around you. Most students who complete their service service-learning hours with Global University do so under a ministry for their church. The work can be completed either domestically or abroad in on an overseas missions trip.


Develop and apply real-world skills.

Knowledge, as well as theoretical understanding of certain skills, can be better understood and retained for the long term when they are applied to actionable problems in the real world. You’re training your brain to be more reflective and to process new information effectively.


Build positive relationships in a community.

If you volunteer locally, you’ll have the opportunity to build strong, lasting connections with others, in terms of those you serve, those who serve with you, and the ministry you’re a part of.


Gain a broader perspective on life.

By stepping outside your normal daily life and serving communities or people you would otherwise never be likely to engage with, you’ll be broadening your horizons and improving your character by developing greater levels of conscientiousness. This trait that is correlated with post-graduation career success post-graduation.


Deepen your discipleship.

Service learning helps deepen your discipleship as a Christian. Learning through serving others is consistent with the biblical accounts of Jesus and His disciples ministering to others through divine works. Jesus would often teach through service, as exemplified by the feeding of the 5,000 and the 4,000.


Use multiple intelligences.

Classroom learning focuses namely on memorizing facts and applying them on test days. Service-learning options allow students to utilize a wide span of intelligence, including that of emotional, bodily-kinesthetic, and interpersonal intelligence. Many employers are looking to hire graduates with high emotional intelligence.


Get practical skills for your career.

Whether you choose to become a missionary, minister, lead pastor, church director, or chaplain, you’ll have to deal with people and their concerns, needs, and emotions. Service learning gives you practical skills that will help you achieve more throughout your career.


Discover Your Next Opportunity at Global University

Want the opportunity to engage in service learning, prepare for a thriving career in ministry, and graduate from an accredited school with a well-rounded interdisciplinary education under your belt? Contact us for more information on how to enroll in a degree program. You can call us today at 1-800-443-1083 or submit a contact form online.