5 Tips for Finding the Perfect Service-Learning Opportunity

Service-based learning is a core requirement for graduation. Service-learning can also be a fantastic experience that bolsters your educational goals, deepens your discipleship, and helps you better integrate the concepts you learned during your course.

In today’s post, Global University discusses the five best tips when looking for the perfect service-learning experience.


Related Post: “Benefits of Service Learning at Global University


#1. Find a Service Opportunity that Speaks to Your Calling

Service-learning should meet a few basic requirements and align with your calling, be it ministry, missions, or Christian service. It’s important to remember that you’ll be required to do three parts of the REV Process:


  1. Reflection – how does the learning tie to your ministry or coursework?
  2. Evaluation – analyze your learning and form useful patterns and structures.
  3. Valuation – integrate your coursework knowledge into the experience.

In order to meet this requirement with ease, it’s essential to find service-learning opportunities that are meaningful. Meaningful service learning can be anything that speaks to your calling or relates to your purpose.


You should also look for an experience that you can demonstrate and share with other people. It doesn’t have to be as hands-on or evident as digging a well in Africa. It could be something like assisting your local church with social-media management or working alongside a church youth group director.


Choosing to look for what’s meaningful and purposeful makes it easier for you to get invested in your work, log your hours, submit your SLR Form, and successfully complete the requirement.



#2. Look Out for Community Events

Search through social media and ask local community leaders and church members about events that might be happening in the area. There’s often an abundance of community service events and even civic programs that need skilled volunteers.


Finding the right service-learning opportunity doesn’t have to be too difficult or time-consuming. Communicating with people, both in person and through social media, is a great help when finding the right fit.



#3. Let Your Skills or Talents Decide

If you have a particular skill or talent you think can be used, let that guide your decision. This is great for preparing yourself for postgraduate success and productively integrating your unique skills with the knowledge you gained from your course. 

Finally, using your talents to meet real needs gives a sense of fulfillment.



#4. Review Your Academic and Spiritual Goals

Do some soul-searching and pray on it. Think about your core values are, and consider your academic goals.

Perhaps you like working with a particular community or demographic and feel called to teach the Bible. If so, pursuing your service-learning hours in an academic environment would be optimal.


Establishing clear goals will help you find the perfect fit. Service-learning shouldn’t just tick off the boxes. It should accentuate and expand upon your academic, spiritual, and professional goals.



#5. Seek Guidance from Educational Resources

It’s always good to get some extra input, especially from those who have our best interests in mind. A strong social support network is a resource. This can come from your local church, fellow peers, or Global University alumni.


Our university provides you with the resources and support you need to make the most out of your education, including any additional information and guidance to complete your service-learning work successfully.


Enroll in Global University Today

We offer plenty of service-learning opportunities for our students. Discover how you can elevate your discipleship and future career in church ministry by enrolling in our courses at Global University. Visit our enrollment page,  contact us for more information, or call us at 1-800-443-1083.