Deepen Your Understanding of God: Enroll in Global University’s Evangelism Course

Evangelism is a vital expression of our Christian faith, calling us to share Jesus Christ’s transformative message with the world. At Global University, we are dedicated to equipping believers with the knowledge and tools they need to effectively engage in this mission. 

Our goal is to support you in reaching out with compassion and clarity, ensuring that everyone can encounter and embrace God’s love.

We understand that evangelism is not one-size-fits-all. That’s why we offer a range of resources tailored to different ages and stages of life, from children to adults. 

What is Evangelism?

Evangelism is an effort to share the message of Jesus Christ with others. It aims to spread the good news of salvation and inspire a personal relationship with God. At its core, evangelism is about communicating the Gospel’s transformative power and inviting individuals to experience the love and grace of Jesus in their own lives.

Jesus commanded His followers to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). Evangelism encompasses more than just spreading a message—it involves embodying Christ’s teachings through actions, words, and personal examples.

Global University’s Evangelism Program will equip you with the knowledge and tools to engage in this critical mission. Our resources and courses provide a solid foundation for understanding the essence of evangelism, enabling you to share your faith with clarity and conviction.

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sharing a bible

Evangelism Resources for Children

Enrolling in Global University’s Evangelism Program provides a unique opportunity for those passionate about nurturing the next generation.  Whether you’re a church leader, educator, or dedicated believer, this program offers valuable insights to strengthen your evangelistic efforts and make a meaningful impact. 

Global University offers a Children’s Bible Curriculum spanning seven grade levels, Kindergarten through 6th. We focus on the six School of Evangelism and Discipleship course topic areas:

  • Spiritual Life
  • The Bible
  • Theology
  • The Church
  • Service
  • Christian Ethics

Each one-hour lesson plan is designed with the age group’s developmental abilities in mind, and each lesson includes visuals, activity suggestions, and memory verses. Our Children’s Bible Curriculum is a perfect fit for Sunday school, children’s church, homeschooling parents, and anyone looking to teach biblical truths in a fun and engaging way.

Learn More about our Children’s Evangelism Materials

Evangelism Resources for Adults

Global University’s evangelism resources are easy to follow and great for those who are brand-new to Christianity. Free courses include the following:

The Great Questions of Life

This course contains six lessons, with both video and written options. Each of the lessons centers on a question:

  • How can you know the truth?
  • What is the truth about God?
  • What is life all about?
  • What is my greatest need?
  • What happens after death?
  • What is the true church?

Highlights in the life of Christ

This six-lesson written course focuses on Jesus’ life, death, and ministry. For those unfamiliar with Jesus, this course will give a complete timeline of His life and teachings. The six lessons include:

  • Jesus–God’s Greatest Gift
  • Jesus-The Great Teacher
  • Jesus-Prophet and King
  • Jesus Teaches Forgiveness
  • Jesus Dies in Our Place
  • Jesus, The Risen Lord

Learn more about our evangelism materials for adults.

Christian Life and Discipleship: The Next Steps

Global University wants to equip new Christians with the knowledge they need to serve the Lord, the church, and the world as disciples of Christ. For this reason, we also offer in-depth courses in Christian Life and Christian Service.

Christian Life

This eighteen-course program introduces students to the Christian way of life. It focuses on four core areas of Christian discipleship:

  • Devotional development
  • Doctrinal development
  • Character Development
  • Service development

Learn more about Christian Life

Christian Service

This eighteen-course program teaches new Christians how to become involved in church ministry and spread the word of God. 

Related Post: The Ultimate Guide For Becoming an Ordained Assemblies of God Minister

Areas of learning include the following:

  • Missions and evangelism
  • Spiritual development
  • Practical ministry skills
  • Biblical studies

Learn more about Christian Service

Evangelism and Discipleship at Global University

If you’re interested in helping “seek the lost and train the found,” you might want to enroll with Global University! Our mission is to provide an accessible, accredited, and affordable education to followers of Jesus. 

We offer self-paced online learning so you can answer God’s calling anytime, anywhere. For more information about our degree programs, call us today at 1-800-443-1083 or contact us online.