Taking correspondence courses may allow you to learn at home, but it still requires dedicated studying. If you want to learn successfully, you have to take it seriously! Deciding how much time to spend studying is more complicated than the time you spend sitting at a desk or looking at textbooks. You don’t need to recreate the entire school day to be a good student while studying at home.
Although it is crucial to have a clear but flexible framework for self-paced study, it is also important to adjust your expectations of what can be accomplished in one day. A routine school day doesn’t work while studying at home, because many things about the situation are different. It is essential to establish a clear line between time used for relaxation, and time used for learning. (Yes, this means your study time should not overlap with watching Netflix. Sorry!)
Education experts recommend that students study independently for no more than 50 minutes at a time, and that total independent study time should not exceed four hours per day. Although four hours may seem to be much less than the time you spend studying in a school building, remember that your independent study schedule is created by you to capture the best times and methods to study.
Consider how you can arrange your day to get the most return. To maximize your time studying and avoid burnout, consider spending two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon. These four hours should include everything you need to do at complete your assignments, such as watching lectures, participating in video conferences, completing homework, taking quizzes and exams, and reading other outside materials. Consider the following tips to create a successful study routine:
- Keep your study materials in one spot (pens, books, laptop, etc.).
- Divide your course into parts.
- Create a calendar of what needs to be done, and add due dates.
- Stick to your schedule every weekday.
If necessary, consider how to modify this schedule to suit the reality of your life, and remember to be adaptable and flexible. For example, if you struggle with studying the same topic for a length of time, try separating the topics or activities into shorter blocks of time, or alternate which topics you study each day. Most importantly, in this new correspondence learning situation, remember that you have the tools you need to achieve your academic and personal goals at Global University.
Correspondence Studies at Global University
If obtaining an education or degree through correspondence classes is the right fit for you, Global University is a great option. We offer many correspondence courses that can fit your schedule and put you on the path toward a diploma. Contact Global University or call toll-free 1-800-443-1083 for more information.