Global University has many course tracks you can follow to enhance the work that God has set out for your life. One of them is called ministerial studies. The overall goal of a ministerial studies program is to prepare you to be a church leader. But what is the purpose of a ministerial studies degree? Global University explains.
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God Lives in You
Ministerial studies formalize your relationship with God. Courses help you understand what God is saying to you, verbalize and communicate how God lives in you, and express God’s will in your life and the lives of your flock. Once you recognize God’s spirit working through you, formal courses in ministerial studies let you bring that relationship to your flock as an example for them to follow.
Flocks Look Up to You
As a minister, people in your church look up to you for guidance. This is particularly true during tough times when they seek answers to hard questions. Ministerial studies get you ready for these difficult times. You’ll rely on God’s spirit and His word as found in the Bible for answering questions about death, financial calamity, sickness, and finding God during tough times.
Authorization From the Church
Ordination as a minister gives you authorization from the Assemblies of God to be a church leader. In addition to tending your flock, you’ll perform many key roles. Baptisms, weddings, anointing of oil for healing, and funerals are part of your regular duties.
Showing God’s Love and Hope to Others
God wants us to have a closer relationship with him. One purpose of a ministerial studies degree is to assist you in showing God’s love to others, even in difficult times. The glory of Jesus’s resurrection gives people hope that anything can be overcome thanks to the grace of God. Ministerial studies courses help you communicate that hope and love to others.
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Ministerial Studies at Global University
Do you feel led to pursue formal ministerial work for a church? The ministerial studies program at Global University gives you valuable tools to formalize this relationship. Reach out to Global University today, and we’ll be happy to discuss your options!