The coronavirus pandemic has changed the world. Entire countries were locked down and people had to stay at home. Municipalities, states, provinces, and countries may require facial coverings or face masks for people who go to public spaces.
Colleges and universities have responded, and they follow regulations as set forth by the authorities. Today’s blog from Global University discusses how Christian universities handle the correspondence-learning model during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.
Related Post: Why Correspondence Learning Matters During a Pandemic Like COVID-19
Physical Universities Closed
When the pandemic hit in the middle of the spring semester, many physical universities and colleges closed down to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus. Because Global University was already a correspondence-learning institution, our core services were unaffected. However, many other Christian universities put a greater emphasis on distance learning and correspondence learning to protect their students.
Sanitizing and Cleaning
At Global University, you have the choice to use digital textbooks or physical volumes. One of the recommendations for Christian universities should follow is to sanitize public spaces and surfaces, including learning tools and spaces. It’s also suggested that individuals sanitize common surfaces touched by multiple people.
If you can, Global University strongly recommends that you sanitize or clean your textbook, computer, and other learning tools on a regular basis. Wipe down the outside of your textbook with a slightly damp cloth and mild detergent. Dry it thoroughly. Use a sanitizing wipe to clean your computer keyboard. Follow personal guidelines for washing and sanitizing your hands frequently before and after touching common surfaces in your home.
Correspondence Learning Versus Distance Learning
Correspondence learning at Christian universities differs from distance learning in that there is much more student independence through correspondence learning. Yet it’s possibly one of the safest forms of learning in the world today. When you learn at home and at your own pace, you’re helping to make your community safer by preventing the spread of COVID-19.
Related Post: What’s the Difference Between Correspondence Learning and Distance Learning?
Correspondence Learning at Global University
Correspondence learning at Global University enhances your ministry, prepares you for a profession within the church, and helps you achieve your goals while maintaining safe social distancing. Do you have any questions? Reach out to Global University today, and we’ll happily answer!