Global University has four schools: School for Evangelism and Discipleship, Berean School of the Bible, Undergraduate School of Bible and Theology, and Graduate School of Theology. All four seek to train people to minister to God’s flock as they seek the lost and train the found. Today’s blog discusses what you learn through our School for Evangelism and Discipleship.
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Programs for Everyone
The School for Evangelism and Discipleship offers training programs for everyone. Courses are concise, practical, biblically sound, and taught in the Pentecostal tradition. You’ll receive an introduction to the life of Jesus Christ, obtain a solid biblical foundation to help new believers follow Christ, and build a deeper understanding of what it means to serve your family, church, and community.
Evangelism means proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ. Biblically, Jesus gave us the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20, “Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’”
Evangelism programs at Global University center around six themes: Spiritual life, the Bible, theology, the church, service, and Christian ethics.
The Great Questions of Life. Learn about the nature of God and what is happening in the world.
Highlights in the Life of Christ. This course focuses on the life and ministry of Jesus.
God Loves You. This course contains evangelical activities for children.
We Hear from the Prophets. Discover what eight prophets say, with an emphasis on reaching people with a philosophical, intellectual, and materialistic mindset.
21st Century Discipleship
The Bible was written down 2,000 years ago. Yet its concepts are still relevant today. Discipleship means following Christ, but also helping others to follow Him. You’ll need 21st century tools to become a modern-day disciple of Christ. Three books from Global U’s School for Evangelism and Discipleship help give you the tools you need.
Getting Started. Every journey begins with a single step. The first part of this course teaches you about being born again in the Holy Spirit as you start your journey.
Facing Issues. God puts issues in our paths to increase our faith in Him. This book equips you to understand the experiences and problems common to all followers of Christ.
Making a Difference. As a follower of Christ, you’re destined to make a difference in the lives of others. This course encourages you to serve Christ for His glory.
Just the Beginning
The School for Evangelism and Discipleship offers course materials in more than 130 languages, provides materials on how to teach children the ways of Jesus, and gives you tools to form a foundation of Christian service for you and your flock. We prepare you for a future in the church and to perform Christian outreach anywhere in the world.
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School for Evangelism and Discipleship at Global University
Global University wants to reach the lost and train the found. Our School for Evangelism and Discipleship helps fulfill this mission. Interested? Reach out to Global University today, and we’ll be happy to answer your questions!